Tica addresses (part 1)
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Tica addresses (part 1)

You’ve probably heard of the “à la tica” addresses. You know, that way of saying 300 meters south of the big tree next to the church? Today, we’d like to tell you about a few of these popular Costa Rican addresses that will make every urban planner in the world smile 🙂

These points of reference are so numerous that we’ll be dedicating a series of articles to telling you the right anecdotes!

The Old Fig Tree, the old Botica Solera, the old Cine Capri or the Matute Gómez house, Costa Rica’s unique addresses are an emblem of Costa Rica’s idiosyncrasy. But the story behind these famous monuments is little known. Despite this, it remains the way ticos still use to indicate an address.

Address of the old fig tree

The ancient fig tree (antiguo Higuerón) was located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca. It was a large, eye-catching tree that long served as a reference point. Almost 20 years ago, the original tree that for so long had served as the address fell. For a time, there was no tree, so instructions were given pointing to the “old Higuerón”.

Until one fine day, another tree was planted on the same spot. However, the old fig tree has never ceased to be one of the famous tica addresses.

Botica Solera address

The old Botica Solera, located in San José’s Barrio Mexico, was built in 1932 and was in the Solera family’s care for around 50 years. The building was inspired by New York’s iconic Flatiron skyscrapers, with a size also à la tica…

After 5 years in operation, the pharmacy closed its doors, but never stopped being one of the points to give directions. In 2013, this building was inaugurated as an architectural heritage and is now used as an art exhibition center and seat music classes, called Botica Solera multicultural library.

In a second article, we’ll come back to two other landmarks: Cine Capri and the Matute Gómez house.

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