Immersive Rural Tourism in Costa Rica
For some years now, rural tourism and ecotourism have been developing around the world, and Costa Rica is no exception, being one of the forerunners. It’s a way of discovering the country through its agriculture, communities and local culture. It’s a form of tourism that brings you closer to nature, its inhabitants and their land!
In Costa Rica, rural communities have developed tourism activities based on their know-how. Visiting a coffee, pineapple or sugar cane plantation and learning how it’s grown, harvested and processed enriches visitors’ knowledge, and provides financial support and revenue-sharing for isolated communities – that’s what rural tourism is all about.
Costa Rica Découverte has long sought to bring its customers closer to the key players in rural tourism, enabling you to discover very different ways of life and culture through an authentic and ethical stay.
We offer you the chance to meet indigenous communities such as the Bribris, Cabécars, Borucas and Chorotegas, among others. We also invite you to discover the golden bean (coffee), a key crop in the country’s economy.
As part of our rural tourism program, we offer gourmet encounters for our visitors. Sugar cane and its processing – Trapiche – allows us to share ancestral gestures with local families and taste delicious cane juice. Strawberry plantations on the slopes of volcanoes are also authentic gourmet visits. Last but not least, cocoa plantations generally appeal to young and old alike, and the cultivation and processing of cocoa is a real treat for the taste buds.
But beyond a simple visit, we also offer homestays in very remote regions that benefit little from tourism revenues. The Osa Peninsula and the Cordillera de Talamanca are ideal places to spend a few nights and discover a little-known facet of Costa Rica. Don’t hesitate to ask us, and we’ll guide you towards enriching and engaging experiences.
These tours are all customizable! You can choose them as they are or adapt them to suit your preferences.