Discovering Costa Rica in November – December

Going to Costa Rica in November or December?

Grenouille sous la pluie en novembreBelow you’ll find all the information and advice you need to enjoy Costa Rica in November and December. It’s the end of the rainy season, and December sees the emergence of northerly winds, sometimes quite strong and cool. To discover Costa Rica in November-December, follow the guide below.
It’s often said that the dry season begins in December, but this depends a great deal on the region of the country. It’s the cocoa harvest season, and December sees the start of the coffee harvest.

Costa Rica in November – December on the Caribbean side

On this side of Costa Rica, the rainy season is beginning, but you should be aware that the weather in this part of the country is unstable and unpredictable all year round. No two days are alike. It is, however, extremely rare to have 2 or 3 consecutive days of rain. Temperatures remain stable, between 77 and 86 degrees. November is a very good month for surfing on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast.

Central Valley

In and around San José, November December sees the onset of northerly winds. Temperatures easily reach 77 degrees, and in the evenings, a few showers cool the nights.

Arenal and Tenorio

November and December see the return of the first rains in this region. However, the Arenal volcano remains clear and the Rio Celeste still retains its turquoise color. Rainy days are ideal for rafting, tubing and wildlife watching, as birds love the rain.

paix-rio-celeste-costa-rica-decouverteGuanacaste and Nicoya Peninsula

It’s the start of the dry months, and apart from a few scattered showers, the skies will be clear and blue. Wildlife begins to move into wetter areas to feed. Watercourses and waterfalls see their flow diminish markedly.

Central Pacific

A few more relatively scattered showers in the evening. Temperatures quite high due to the humidity, easily reaching 91 or 93 degrees.

South Pacific, Golfo Dulce and Osa Peninsula

November and December mark the end of the rainy season in this region. The sun shines and the wildlife is active. It’s back to great diving on the Caño side, but it’s also the end of the whale and turtle nesting season.

Cordillera Central, Dota

November is a period of transition, and December on the Cordillera Central sees temperatures warm up. This is not the best time to see the quetzal, but many other birds nest here all year round: trogons, hummingbirds, peregrine falcons, red-winged blackbirds, yellow-headed cardinals, green toucanets and scarlet tanagers.

Here are some ideas for tours to Costa Rica in November and December:

Chirripo - Costa Rica

Discovering Costa Rica in November and December means enjoying the return of the sun without the extreme heat. It also means fewer crowds and more reasonable prices until December 15. From December 15 onwards, prices are much higher, with a peak from December 75 to 88 for the festive season. This last week of the year is also overcrowded with visitors, and it’s best to book several months in advance to have a choice of accommodation.